Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Love Makes a Family

This post has been a long time coming.  John and I have been waiting for the right time to announce that we are in the process of adopting a baby.  We don't know when our family will be growing or by how many, but hopefully sometime in the next year or so we will get to bring a baby home through the adoption process.

I know for some people, this would be a hard decision, but for John and I, adoption just seemed like a natural next step for us.  For several reasons having another biological child just isn't a great option for us right now.  It's not completely off the table for the future, but right now, it just isn't a path we want to take.

Adoption has actually been on our hearts for a while now.  As I mentioned in my last post, we had gone through about 8 months of infertility treatments and procedures before we got pregnant with Rowan.  After we decided to stop treatments to relax and take a break for the holidays, we discussed multiple times what we wanted our next step to be.  At that time, we really started to think about adoption... and then, surprise we found out we were pregnant.  Then Rowan came early... and then he died.  We were once again back to square one, but without some of the options that we had before.

On our way home from Kansas City the morning after Rowan passed away, John and I both looked at each other and said that we wanted to adopt.  We've been thinking about it and praying about it since that day.  We know we could wait a little longer and try for another baby, but after having 35 days to be parents, we realized just how awesome it is and we're ready to bring another baby home as soon as we can.  So, at the end of July we finally took the plunge and officially started the process.  We decided that we want to adopt a newborn and we started gathering all of the necessary paperwork to begin the home study process.

As of today, we are waiting on a couple of logistical items and then our home study will be complete!  We have an appointment to meet with an adoption attorney in Topeka on Friday afternoon and I'm in the process of creating our adoption portfolio.  Once all of our paperwork is in order, then it will just be a waiting game.  We know that this process can sometimes take a long time and that it could still involve some heartache, but we truly believe in our hearts that this is the right step for us.  We contemplated when the right time would be to share that we are adopting, but a lot of adoption is just getting the word out there that we are looking to adopt.  Many adoptions happen because somebody knows somebody who knows somebody else that is looking to find adoptive parents for their child, so we decided now is the right time and that this blog is just one more avenue to get our names out there.  Our families have supported us on this decision from day one which we are so thankful for and as always, we appreciate your prayers and all of your well wishes.

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